Article 1 — Purpose
The company Studio Romeo (hereinafter the "Organizing Company" or "Studio Romeo"), SARL with capital of 3000 euros, whose registered office is located at 4 rue du 19 aout 74000 Annecy - registered in the trade and companies register under SIREN number 823514310 , represented herein by Mrs. Jeanne Dieuzaide in her capacity as Manager, is organizing a competition* (hereinafter the "Games"), from 02.05.2018 to 09.05.2018 11:59 p.m. via the Studio Romeo Instagram platform at the address and broadcast on the social network Facebook.
* free games and no purchase required
Article 2 — Participation
2.1 Access to games
These Games are open to any natural person, whether of legal age or minor with parental authorization, residing in France and worldwide (hereinafter the "Participant"), with the exception of staff members of the structures organizing the Game, and any person having participated directly or indirectly in its organization or its realization, as well as their spouse and members of their family: ascendants and descendants.
When designating the winners, the Organizing Company reserves the right to ask any Participant to provide proof of these conditions. Any person who does not meet these conditions or refuses to provide proof of them will be excluded from the Game and will not be able to benefit from the prize in the event of a win. Similarly, any false declaration, indication of identity or address will result in the immediate elimination of the Participant.
Participation in the games requires that any person first have an Instagram account (photo sharing application) and be subscribed to the Instagram account of the Organizing company. The game is accessible on the page and
Participation in the Game implies full acceptance of these rules.
2.2. Terms of participation
The Organizing Company will post a visual on its Instagram page for the occasion of its 3 years.
To participate in the game, it is necessary to:
1/ Follow the accounts @studio_romeo and @grandnumero on Instagram
2/ Like the competition visual and mention 3 friends in the comments
3/ Share the photo on your personal Instagram account in “public” mode, tag @studio_romeo and @grandnumero and use the hashtag #happybirthdaystudioromeo.
For this competition, 1 winner will be drawn at random by the organizing company. Participation in the Game is exclusively on the Instagram platform. As such, any registration by telephone, fax, postal mail or email will not be taken into account. Participation in the games entails full and complete acceptance of these rules, in all their provisions, of the rules of ethics in force on the Internet, as well as the laws and regulations applicable to free games.
Any participation that is incomplete, inaccurate or does not comply with the above terms (in particular in the absence of the mention #happybirthdaystudioromeo) cannot be taken into account and will therefore result in the participation being void.
Article 3 — Allocations
The allocation will be as follows:
- A 3-day, 2-night stay in Provence in one of the hotels in the Grand Numero selection for a maximum of €500
- A Studio Romeo gift voucher worth €500
The winners agree to accept the prize as offered, without the possibility of exchanging it for cash or other goods or services of any kind whatsoever.
The Organizing Company reserves the right to replace any prize with another prize equivalent in terms of its value and characteristics, for any reason whatsoever, without incurring any liability in this regard.
Article 4 — Allocation of grants
The winners will be contacted within 15 days of the closing of the competition by direct [private] message on Instagram by the Organizing company, in order to obtain their full contact details (name, first name, address, telephone, email, date of birth, height) essential for the awarding of the prize.
The stay offer is valid until the end of 2018.
If the winner does not come forward within 7 days after the results are announced, he or she will be considered to have waived his or her prize and a new winner will be chosen for the same prize.
The winner must comply with the rules. If it turns out that the winner does not meet the criteria of these rules, his prize will not be awarded to him.
The prize cannot give rise to any dispute or claim of any kind. The winner undertakes not to seek liability from the Organizing Company with regard to the prize.
The prize will be accepted as announced. No changes of any kind may be requested by the winner, for any reason whatsoever. No consideration, compensation or financial equivalent of the prizes may then be requested, in whole or in part.
It is specified that the organizing company will not provide any service or guarantee, the winnings consisting solely of the awarding of the prizes provided for above.
Article 5 — Use of personal data
5.1 As part of the Game, participants communicate personal data concerning them to the Organizing Company, which will be the sole recipient.
Participants' contact details will be used in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978 or any other law that replaces it.
5.2 The winners expressly authorize the Organizing Company to use their contact details (first and last name) for advertising or public relations purposes, on any medium whatsoever, without restriction or reservation, and without this conferring on them any right to remuneration or any advantage other than the award of their prize.
5.3 Each participant has the right to access, modify, rectify and delete information concerning them by writing to the following address:
Studio Romeo
4 rue du 19 august
74000 Annecy
Article 6 — Limitation of liability
Participation in the Game implies unreserved acceptance of these rules in their entirety, of the rules of ethics in force on the Internet, as well as of the laws, regulations and other texts applicable in France.
Participation in the Game implies knowledge and acceptance of the characteristics and limitations of the Internet, in particular with regard to technical performance, response times for consulting, querying or transferring information, the risks of interruption, and more generally, the risks inherent in any connection and transmission on the Internet, the lack of protection of certain data against possible misappropriation and the risks of contamination by possible viruses circulating on the Internet network.
The Organizing Company will not be held responsible in the event of a malfunction of the "Internet" network or the Instagram and Twitter applications preventing access to the game or its proper running. In particular, the Organizing Company cannot be held responsible for any external malicious acts.
Although the Organizing Company makes every effort to provide users with available and verified information and/or tools, it cannot be held responsible for errors (in particular display errors on the game sites, erroneous emails), a lack of availability of information and/or the presence of viruses on the site.
It is the responsibility of each participant to take all appropriate measures to protect their own data and/or software stored on their computer and telephone equipment against any attack. Any person's connection to the site and participation in the game is their sole responsibility.
Furthermore, the Organizing Company is not responsible in the event of:
- Telephone connection problems,
- Hardware or software problems,
- Destruction of information provided by participants for a reason not attributable to the Organizing Company,
- Human or electrical errors,
- Disruptions that could affect the smooth running of the game or malfunction of the automated drawing process.
In all cases, if the smooth administrative and/or technical running of the game is disrupted by a cause beyond the control of the Organizing Company, the latter reserves the right to interrupt the game. Any fraud or non-compliance with these rules may result in the exclusion of the perpetrator from the game, with the Organizing Company reserving the right, where appropriate, to initiate legal proceedings against the perpetrator.
Article 7 — Access and interpretation of the regulations, amendments
7.1 Access
These complete regulations are available on the Organizing Company’s website.
No oral request regarding the Game will be answered. Any complaint must be sent in writing to the Organizing Company at the address mentioned above before 30.05.2018. After this deadline, no complaint will be accepted.
7.2 Interpretation of the Regulations
Any question of application or interpretation of the regulations, or any unforeseen question which may arise, will be decided by the Organizing Company.
7.3 Modifications
The Organizing Company reserves the right to extend, shorten, modify or cancel the Game at any time, particularly in the event of force majeure, without any compensation being claimed by the participants.
Any modification will be the subject of an amendment posted on the website of the Organizing Company.
Article 8 — Applicable law and jurisdiction
These regulations are subject to French law.
Any dispute relating to the application or interpretation of these regulations shall, in the absence of an amicable settlement between the Parties, fall under the jurisdiction of the High Court of Paris.