"Stop carrying him, otherwise he'll get used to it. He'll walk late and won't be independent. You'll suffocate him from carrying him. He'd be better off in a stroller. Your back will hurt. Carrying is only for babies, he's too big there..." Can someone please let us go? Here's a review of preconceived ideas about carrying.
Misconception #1: Babies who are carried develop bad habits and are capricious
In fact, it's quite the opposite. By meeting his basic needs, such as holding him, you are now providing him with emotional security, which will help him to have more confidence and become more independent. This is scientifically proven.
Misconception #2: Carrying makes you dependent
Do you know many babies between 0 and 2 years old who are independent? Who know how to move around alone, feed themselves, dress themselves and change their diaper? We don't. In concrete terms, if you don't carry them, your child is unable to move from home to daycare, for example.
Misconception #3: Babies who are carried walk late
Physiological carrying stimulates babies' nervous system and their inner ear, which is responsible for balance. When you walk with them, they feel your rhythm, your speed... Motor skills and carrying are actually complementary.
Misconception #4: My baby is too small, he is premature
All the more reason to wear it. He needs to be reassured against you all the more. Little men are a bit like marsupials. Our maturation is not quite complete when we are born. Besides, Slings are perfectly adapted to small sizes.
Misconception #5: Carrying hurts your back
Our bodies get stronger as our children grow, that's the good news. The bad news is that by carrying in our arms, without a means of carrying, we often end up developing bad habits. We carry our baby on the same side, which ends up creating an imbalance.
In fact, baby carriers have the advantage of better distributing your baby's weight. Your center of gravity is rebalanced, your baby's kilos are less painful.
Misconception #6: Carrying is not physiological, it’s dangerous, baby will slip…
Before being sold, baby carriers undergo countless tests.
All our products comply with safety requirements and are designed to respect the child's psychomotor development.
Physiological , they are approved by the International Hip Dysplasia Institute which has classified them as “hip-friendly” products.
Misconception #7: wearing is for hippies or cool hippies…
Clichés die hard. Babywearing is made for parents who want to carry their children. Period. We offer timeless or contemporary designs to combine your love of pretty things with babywearing.
At exhaust height, do you find it better? In truth, the portage is neither better nor worse. It just has nothing to do with it!
When hiking, carrying is easier. In a baby carrier, your child can see the landscape while you carry him on your back. Baby carriers also allow your baby to not be overstimulated. If he needs it, he can sleep warm against you.
Misconception #9: Baby carriers are too complicated.
“You need a master's degree to tie a baby carrier. It's complicated to carry your baby. My feet get tangled in the slings...”
It depends! Some wraps require more practice than others, but at Studio Romeo, we design simple products that make your daily life easier. Our Duo can be put on in just a few moments. And if you can't do it, we even offer you a babywearing consultation with our reference instructor to help you practice.
Misconception #10: Baby carriers are expensive
In terms of usage time, no, it's not very expensive. Some models can be used up to 10 kilos of your child and others up to 12 kilos, or two and a half years.
Misconception #11: Baby carriers are just for moms!
Babywearing is still very much associated with femininity and yet, no, carrying your baby "doesn't make you look like a girl"! Today, there are a variety of baby carriers that can adapt and please both women and men. Long live babywearing dads!