Practiced since the dawn of time, skin-to-skin allows the newborn to arrive gently into the outside world. A reassuring transition for the child, but also the parents.
Skin to skin: the definition
As its name suggests, skin-to-skin is the act of placing your baby on yourself in direct contact with the skin, without clothing. The baby is thus nestled against the chest or bare belly of his or her mother or father . This special moment has many benefits whether for premature babies, full-term infants or parents.
From birth
When circumstances allow, the newborn is placed on his mother's chest as soon as he comes into the world. When she is not available, as in the case of a caesarean section, it is often up to the father to take over. "This first skin-to-skin contact is a moment of calm after the storm of childbirth. We return to the animal essence, far from the medicalized side. We do not ask ourselves questions to know if the baby is too hot or cold. He is against us at the ideal temperature and everything is fine" confides Alexandre, father of three children born by caesarean section. This is also why we often advise the father to wear a shirt on the day of birth, easier to button and unbutton, not to mention the emotional side of this shirt, which will forever remain the garment of the first contact with his baby.
Then, once the mother is available, this skin-to-skin can be done in the recovery room and this moment remains " magical! Especially after a cesarean and 4.5 hours before being able to hold my baby in my arms. " says @chloldt.
Back home
Skin-to-skin can continue during the first weeks and even months of the baby's life. @soamat_ testifies "We did the first week of skin-to-skin after my home birth. It was gentle and it allowed a continuum with the pregnancy. I think it soothed my baby and my motherhood a lot as well as facilitated my lactation. This bubble was magical, I have very emotional memories of it."
The benefits of skin-to-skin contact for babies and parents
As you can see, skin-to-skin contact is magical . It brings well-being to the baby and the parents. Let's review these many benefits:
- Regulate the temperature. Since the baby is glued to your body which is at the ideal temperature, you have no questions to ask yourself. In fact, the baby will even be warmer against you naked, rather than dressed. Why? Because the temperature of the mother's breasts increases by 0.5 ° C in 2 minutes during skin-to-skin contact and remains so for up to 10 minutes after it is finished. Magical, we tell you.
- Strengthen the parent-baby bond. Physical contact releases oxytocin, also known as the hormone of happiness, maternal love and attachment in both mother and baby. It’s a virtuous circle. Hugs bring love and vice versa.
- Soothe the baby, reduce crying, stabilize breathing and heart rate. Skin-to-skin contact reduces baby's stress hormones. So in case of crying or emotional distress, don't hesitate to hold him tight against you. It will also work to reduce your parental stress. Again, we can thank oxytocin!
- Promote breastfeeding. In skin-to-skin contact, the baby is guided by his instinct and spontaneously makes the right gestures to take the breast. The oxytocin released during physical contact also stimulates the milk ejection reflex in the mother. It is therefore recommended that mothers (after caesarean surgery) who wish to breastfeed practice skin-to-skin contact in order to trigger the production of milk.
- Reduce the sensation of pain as Dorothée aka @blackwhite.etc testifies : "My son lost weight and was hypothermic due to a cleft palate. Thanks to skin-to-skin, he was able to recover faster. Skin-to-skin was magical, you could even see it on his vitals, it was impressive! Since he was 4 months old, it's the only thing that soothes him when he's in pain. "
Skin-to-skin or kangaroo care for premature babies
Inspired by the marsurpial whose baby finishes growing in its pouch, the kangaroo method is often practiced in neonatology departments when the baby's condition allows it. This method is also recommended by the WHO. "As a maternity nurse, skin-to-skin is THE soothing treatment par excellence! Whether it is done with mom or dad. " confirms Godeliève aka @godebq.
Skin-to-skin contact in premature babies has the same benefits: temperature regulation, improved weight gain, digestion, restful sleep, reduced stress, and strengthening of the parent-child bond.
On the parents' side, same verdict. Skin to skin in case of prematurity is great "Victoire was born at 7 months, I kept her for 2 months in skin to skin in neonat' in Annecy." says Julie aka @Mamasavoy
We work with many healthcare professionals, and we are particularly proud to be a partner of the pediatric cardiac resuscitation/surgery department at Necker Hospital in Paris, who have chosen our Easy Lover skin-to-skin headbands for their practicality :-)
Studio Romeo Easy Lover Skin-to-Skin Headband
It is to facilitate skin-to-skin contact that we have designed our Easy Lover headband. It is specifically designed and conceived for this intimate moment, which is truly beneficial for the baby and its parents. Thanks to its Velcro closure system, skin-to-skin carrying is soft and secure. Simply sit or lie down and enjoy your baby in all simplicity, feeling him/her calm down against you.
To practice skin-to-skin contact in the Studio Romeo way, we recommend attaching the headband with the Velcro in the back. Then, place the infant in an upright position against your chest. Slide the baby into the headband. Take care to naturally position his head on the right or left side so that he can breathe well. His shoulders should be flat on you and his neck in line with the spine. The newborn should be in a natural fetal position, with his back slightly curved. The infant should be in a frog position in a W (hips and arms bent, legs apart), with his back slightly curved.
Click here to see the Easy Lover Skin-to-Skin Headband instructions.
If you want to share your skin-to-skin experience, join us on Instagram !