Much more than just a means of transport, physiological babywearing ensures your baby's growth in the best possible conditions. But that's not all! Did you know that it also plays an essential role in supporting the mental health of parents and children?
Among the many benefits of babywearing are stress reduction, the creation of an environment conducive to emotional and cognitive development, and the strengthening of the parent-child bond.
In this article, we explain how physiological carrying helps to strengthen the mental health of adults and babies.
The benefits of babywearing for young parents
The first months of a baby's life come with their share of wonder, but also with a fair amount of fatigue and doubts. And that's completely normal! Parents need to adapt to this new rhythm and get used to the new responsibilities that fall to them.
Babywearing to reduce stress and anxiety in new parents
Babywearing can reduce stress by making everyday life easier for carriers . Not only can you more easily resume your daily activities with your hands free, but you also have your baby close by. This allows you to respond quickly to your child's needs by perceiving them from the first signals.
And believe us, this has a direct influence on your self-confidence ! And yes, you are not “blocked” by your responsibilities as a parent, you can go about your business without neglecting your newborn.
In addition, the closeness you have while carrying your child in this way promotes the bond that is created between you and the daily care.
It helps you feel more connected to your baby and provides a sense of comfort to your baby.

Babywearing is especially beneficial for parents suffering from baby blues and postpartum depression (which doesn't just affect mom!).
Babywearing for dads also has many benefits: it is an opportunity to create a unique bond with their baby. But it is also a way to help the mother by actively getting involved in the care of the infant. The best asset to reduce the mental load and strengthen their bond with baby!
One step closer to socialization
Some parents may sometimes feel a sense of isolation after the birth. Indeed, it can be difficult to find time for yourself to go out, meet your friends or new people.
This is where physiological carrying comes in by facilitating your mobility.
Going out becomes easier : no need to lug around a stroller, struggle with transport, think about the space available at the meeting place, etc.
Small and foldable, baby carriers don't take up space and can be easily stored in a bag! With a sling or a duo baby carrier , opt for practicality for all your trips.

The birth of a child is also an opportunity to participate in parental support groups . These are often very popular with parents: you find yourself with people who are going through the same experiences as you. You can therefore help each other, share your doubts with them and reassure yourself that every parent goes through this period too!
In general, babywearing also creates community . With it, you get closer to parents who share your values. It's an opportunity to meet parents with whom you probably have a lot in common!
When physiological carrying soothes baby and gives him a feeling of security
If the first few months can be difficult for parents, this is also the case for the newborn. Birth is followed by a long period of discoveries and adaptations : a new environment, new stimuli, new sensations, new people...
It's a whole world that opens up to your baby! He must therefore tame it at his own pace.
Babywearing, emotional support for the baby
Babywearing is mainly recommended for its physical properties: respect for natural posture, support for the baby's spine, pelvis and head. But beyond the physical benefits, physiological babywearing has many emotional properties.
- Stress reduction : carried against you, the baby is rocked by the warmth of your body as well as your movements. He is instantly soothed by your heart rate, your breathing and your body heat . All this gives him a feeling of security and comfort. It is even scientifically proven: carrying lowers the level of cortisol (the stress hormone).
- Improved sleep quality : rocked against you, your baby will sleep better and may even sleep longer. Remember that good sleep promotes your child's brain development and often reduces crying and irritability. In conclusion, it's one less stress factor for you!
- Building trust : As mentioned above, babywearing helps build the bond between you and your baby. It creates a relationship of trust between you and instills a sense of security in your baby's mind. And more than trust in you, it builds trust in him! This is the very foundation of healthy emotional development.

Emotional support for babies with special needs
Babies can sometimes suffer from colic or gastroesophageal reflux (called GERD). In these cases, carrying can play a therapeutic role.
In fact, the position in which your baby is placed during carrying helps to alleviate certain symptoms of reflux and helps to soothe digestion .
For babies who may have trouble settling, babywearing is also a good idea. The natural rocking and warmth of your body when babywearing provides a sense of comfort and security that can help soothe crying. This strengthens the emotional bond between you and reassures your baby.
Ensure the child's cognitive and motor development
Some people claim that carrying isolates the child, making him dependent on his parents. In fact, it's quite the opposite!
In your arms, the child can observe the world around him and interact with the people around you. He hears you speak and records what you say and how you say it to try to reproduce it later. Thus against you, he actively works on his cognitive development .
And it's the same for your movements! Even when carried, baby's body works. It feels your movements and assimilates them to better repeat them. Carrying helps babies develop their motor skills and makes the first steps easier .

The physical benefits of the physiological baby carrier
Physiological baby carriers are above all ergonomic. Whether Sling wraps or physiological baby carriers (from 2 months), they adapt to the baby's morphology and help him grow healthily.
In fact, physiological systems are designed to allow the baby to adopt a comfortable position that does not risk damaging its body. For example, they significantly reduce the risks of hip dysplasia and muscle tension.
In the same way, they keep the baby's back, neck and head in comfortable positions , avoiding any pressure that could harm him and cause him discomfort.
This is why it is important to respect the different weight, height and age indications associated with the product.
If you have any doubts about how to use a baby carrier, don't worry, Studio Romeo has thought of you! To make sure you use our products correctly, we offer you a babywearing workshop for any purchase of a Studio Romeo baby carrier (skin-to-skin, Sling, Duo or Up&Go).
This workshop consists of a 20-minute mini training with our professional babywearing instructor. You will then be able to ask all your questions and attend a guided demonstration of how to set up and use a baby carrier.
Physiological carrying: both physical and psychological benefits
Much more than just support for your baby's back and pelvis, physiological carrying also acts as support for your mental health and that of your baby.
Babywearing promotes a strong emotional bond and provides a sense of security and trust for both baby and you. It is also a great tool to help your baby with cognitive and motor development.
Finally, physiological baby carriers are your everyday allies!