If you are a hiking enthusiast, you probably can't wait to share this pleasure with your baby, to show him the world and the nature that surrounds us. Especially when the season is right and the sun starts to show its face!
But to do things properly, you probably have a lot of questions: how to organize yourself for a hike with a baby? What carrying method should you choose for hiking? Can you hike with a baby from birth? For how long can you hike with a newborn?
Don't panic, we'll recap everything you need to know in this article (we'll even share a few tips to make your life easier when out and about)!
When can you start hiking with your baby?
If you love hiking and nature excursions, it's natural to want to share this passion with your child. You're probably looking forward to getting some fresh air again while introducing your baby to the world.
And the good news is that there is no minimum recommended age to start hiking . In theory, you can start practicing this activity as soon as your baby is born !
And in practice?
If you have just given birth (vaginally or by cesarean section), rest is strongly recommended. New mothers are advised to avoid resuming physical activities too early, especially those that involve carrying heavy loads.
Walking is recommended in the weeks following childbirth, but be careful not to overdo it during the first few weeks after the baby is born. Your body must gradually get used to the effort again and, above all, recover from the pregnancy and birth.
It is wiser to wait between 6 and 8 weeks after the birth of your baby before resuming physical activities - and hiking. And be careful not to overdo it: avoid climbing Everest as soon as you resume! Get your body used to the changes little by little and spread the resumption over a few months.
How far should you hike with a baby?
If you are advised to take it easy, it is as much for you as for your baby. As you know, the higher the altitude, the higher the blood pressure, and the more oxygen becomes scarce. Thus, it is better not to exceed 1500m of altitude with a child under one year old (this limit can rise to 1800m if you live in the mountains).
You can climb up to 1800m until the child is 18 months old and gradually increase the altitude as he grows - while remaining reasonable, of course.
However, we would like to draw your attention to one point: altitude is not the only criterion to take into account for your family hikes. The duration and difficulty of the route are also decisive in ensuring the comfort of the baby.
With a young child, you don't walk up a steep slope full of obstacles for an entire day. You should opt for relatively flat and quiet paths and a short walk of a few hours at most. Then, as the child grows and gets used to being carried over long distances, you can adapt the walking time and consider longer hikes, with a little more elevation.
Getting him used to it little by little increases your chances of giving him a taste for walks in the great outdoors. The goal is not to put him off hiking by imposing routes that are too long or too difficult (whether he is carried or on foot)! Not to mention that getting him used to going out and enjoying nature from a young age is an added bonus that he won't spend too much time on screens as he grows up.
It is also very important to adapt your carrying system according to the age of the child and the route you are following. And yes, baby slings and other baby carriers are not all suitable for every situation and certain recommendations remain in place.
What carrying method should you use when hiking with a young child?
If there are different carrying methods, it is because they meet different needs and do not have the same criteria. If the carrying methods are a little vague for you, do not worry, we explain everything to you:
Babywearing consists of carrying your baby against you to make life easier for parents and leave their hands free, but above all to allow the baby to be comfortably installed and to develop correctly. It is therefore important to respect age and weight restrictions , but also physiological positions.
Adopt physiological carrying, even when walking?
Physiological carrying is a carrying position that ensures the proper development of the baby. Installed in an upright position, facing the carrier and the head to the side to see the world, the baby must adopt an “M” position, also called the “frog” position.
Why? Because like the small aquatic animal, it must have its knees raised at the hips, its legs and pelvis thus forming an M. Not only is this position more comfortable for it, it is also safer: it prevents malformations such as hip dysplasia and offers many benefits (soothing, reduction of ailments such as gastroesophageal reflux, fever and diarrhea, reduction of crying, stabilization of the heart rate and breathing).
There are different carrying solutions suitable for walking, depending on the age of the baby and your objectives:
The SLING baby carrier , the solution for short hikes
Without knots or complex tying methods to master , this baby sling can be used from birth and every day in a very intuitive way.
Its 100% organic cotton composition respects your baby's fragile skin and guarantees the strength of the baby carrier. Suitable for physiological carrying, it respects the baby's growth while allowing the wearer to keep their hands free and take care of the child.
One size fits all, it fits all wearers. It can be worn for a few hours at a time, but be careful not to overdo it: this model is worn on one shoulder, so the child's weight is only distributed on one side for the wearer.
After two or three hours of carrying, your child may start to feel a slight fatigue/pain in the shoulder. This model can accompany your child up to 10kg , or around 8 months .
We recommend it for short, not very tiring walks .
The Up&Go back baby carrier , your companion for long hikes
Recommended from 7kg (approximately 6 months ), it is the most suitable baby carrier for hiking. The Up&Go is the closest thing to the " baby carrier backpack " format.
Only prerequisite: to use it, your baby must be able to sit up on their own.
If it is recommended for hiking, it is thanks to its wide straps that distribute the child's weight evenly on the shoulders of the wearer. They prevent back pain, even after many hours of use!
The comfort of the baby is also a big plus of this onbuhimo carrying method: it has padding behind the neck and under the thighs to guarantee a physiological position and carrying without discomfort.
Its seat can be adjusted to adapt to the child's growth and accompany them until they weigh around 15kg . It is an essential that can be installed easily and quickly.
Hikers also appreciate it for its versatility : you can carry your baby facing you or on your back. Two ways to discover the world and enjoy the wonderful mountain landscapes.
How to dress baby for hiking?
Adults and children alike, the three-layer rule applies so that your baby can fully enjoy their ride:
- The first layer breathes : it consists of a body-hugging garment made of breathable and lightweight material, such as cotton for example. For your baby, you can choose a bodysuit - choose long sleeves and covered legs to protect the baby from the sun.
- The second layer keeps you warm : temperatures are not always very warm in the mountains, which is why it is recommended to dress well to avoid being cold. Polar fleece or down jackets are generally recommended.
- The third layer protects : you can check the weather forecast before leaving, but it can change at any time. Never leave without a raincoat or something to protect yourself from the rain and wind. Be careful, however, to let the baby breathe and not to wear clothing that makes them sweat too much.
It is important to keep in mind that the baby carrier acts as a layer of clothing: so be careful not to overdress him so that he does not suffer from the heat.
And above all, don't neglect shoes ! Whether your child walks or not, shoes will protect their little feet from the sun, but also from the cold and bad weather.
How to protect baby from the sun when wearing a sling?
The ideal hiking bag checklist when you go with a baby
But let’s recap: what is the list of essentials to take when hiking with your baby?
- One or more water bottles : you need to keep your child (and yourself!) well hydrated.
- Meals and snacks: the longer the hike, the more you need to bring small snacks for the road in addition to the picnic (you can bring a thermos of hot water to warm up baby bottles and jars of food).
- Diapers and a cleaning kit : when you travel with your baby, you need to take something to change him! Take more or less diapers depending on the length of the walk without overloading yourself. Also remember to take a small bag to throw away used diapers and wipes, they have no place in nature!
- Sun protection : the must-have for any outing is obviously sunscreen, but don't forget to wear a head covering (bucket hat, hat, cap, beanie) and sunglasses. It can be useful to take a scarf or cotton cloth with you to provide extra protection for your baby if the sun is too strong.
- How to protect yourself from the cold or the rain : even if the sun is out, still bring a large scarf or a K-Way to protect baby in case of bad weather.
- The comforter and/or pacifier : don't forget to attach it to your bag, baby carrier or clothes so that it doesn't fall off. This will save you from having to go back and look for your missing comforter!
- A first aid kit : to be prepared for any eventuality! Be careful not to take all the medical equipment you have, the essentials are enough.

Valuable advice for hiking with baby in complete peace of mind
To conclude, here are some tips and tricks from hiking parents that can prove very useful!
Before you even leave, always check the weather forecast . It can change quickly and estimates are what they are: estimates. It would be a shame to find yourself in the rain!
When it comes time to pack your bag, only take the essentials . Remember that in addition to your hiking backpack , you will have your baby carrier and the weight of the baby to carry.
Once you’re out and about, health professionals and hikers alike recommend taking 10-minute breaks every hour (or every two hours if your baby is napping). Put your baby down, let him or her stretch his or her legs a bit, or just enjoy a position other than the carrier for a few minutes before getting back on the road. This is also a chance for the carrier to take a break and stretch.
More regularly, also check that the baby is doing well . To do this, a few questions should be asked: is he hot? Cold? Is he hungry or thirsty? Does he seem comfortable in the baby carrier? Does he not suffer too much from the sun? It is important to ensure the baby's well-being and to ask yourself these questions every 10 to 15 minutes (or ask him directly if he can talk).
Speaking of baby's well-being, it is not recommended to ride gondolas and cable cars with your toddler. These are known to increase blood pressure and ear pressure , which is very uncomfortable and can be dangerous for your mini-you.
It is always necessary to favor a gentle ascent and decompression plateaus to allow the baby's body to adapt gradually. And for better adaptation, the pacifier or bottle can be very good allies! The suction effect they cause helps with swallowing and therefore decompresses the eardrums. A bit like when you take a plane and you chew something on landing so as not to have blocked and painful ears!
Our recommendations: the best family hikes
Family hikes now hold no secrets for you! You will be able to introduce your baby to a whole bunch of magical places and breathtaking views - and maybe even give him a taste for hiking and make him a real adventurer .
If you still don't know where to hike with baby during the holidays, we recommend the Baludik and RandoLand apps which recommend many destinations with routes suitable for children.
To make the comments space a friendly and welcoming place, don't hesitate to share your experiences, your advice and your favorite destinations with your family!
We are always delighted to read about your adventures, whether on our blog or on Instagram .
The entire Studio Romeo team wishes you a great summer and a great vacation ☀️