The Art of Motherhood . Because images often say more than words. Because motherhood is our main source of inspiration. We imagined this series of videos and photos to celebrate motherhood, but also life, creativity, freedom. With gentleness and authenticity.
Their names are Johanna, Marion or Emma, and they opened the door to their artist's studio and their mother's heart. With simplicity, Studio Romeo slipped into their world, where motherhood and creativity are subtly aligned. Thanks to babywearing, these mothers free their talent and all their art. The art of painting, modeling, creating, but also and above all, the art of mothering.

The Art of Motherhood #3: Julie Robert is a textile designer specializing in the modernization of ancient and innovative techniques such as weaving, embroidery, knotted stitch or punch needle. She creates pieces from wool, fabric and silk, all in volumes, in textures whose colors and deconstructions make her singularity. Meet this mother of 3 children, a magician with fairy fingers.

Can you introduce yourself?
My name is Julie Robert, I am 35 years old, I am a textile craftsman, I am known under the pseudonym Julie Weaves.
For you, motherhood is...
A strength. I had my first daughter at 21 and before being pregnant (and then a little while pregnant) I was still a baby myself and from the moment I had my daughter in my arms I knew that I could face the world without worry, move mountains, cross worlds without difficulty just by being determined.
When the twins arrived, it increased tenfold, not because there are 2 of them and I am now the mother of 3 children, but because over time I have learned a lot about motherhood and I confirm this feeling of inner power.
Motherhood opens up the realm of possibilities.
And creativity?
Motherhood is a literal creation. One does not go without the other. So when we are more creative without the material it becomes almost a subject of work but also an outlet. We can get out of stress related to motherhood, to parenthood by creating with our hands.
Your sources of inspiration?
I draw inspiration from everyday life, I am lucky to live 1km from the sea and the forest, it helps when you are feeling down, you can get some fresh air to recharge your batteries and fill up on inspiration.
Then I take inspiration from the material, I love touching what I am going to work on and ideas flow through my head, I see things without drawing them and my hands are guided by what I touch.
What does babywearing mean to you?
I didn't carry my daughter Emma in a sling, I think I was seriously lacking information. On the other hand, I carried the twins as soon as I got back from the maternity ward.
For me, carrying is an extension of the pregnancy and sharing part of this experience with the father.
This allows you to be connected to your child.
It reassures him, it reassures us and it's truly magical. Even the biggest crying fits calm down when you wear your child in a sling.
I had the chance to talk at length with Gaelle from Eveil et Conseil who is a psychomotor therapist, I didn't get one piece of advice from her but several, tips on rituals with our children. And I will never thank her enough for all that, I understood certain things that I had difficulty integrating.
We should all have a Gaelle near us ahah!A concept of happiness ?
My shot of happiness… Sniffing my children. Jokes aside, there is no recipe.
Happiness is found in your morning tea as in your baby's first smile.
your mantra (the little phrase that never leaves you)?
Everything is possible for those who dare, dream, work and never give up (Xavier Dolan).
The lucky charms that never leave you
My husband gave me 3 small, thin rings made to measure for our engagement, they each have a meaning (that he invented for the occasion ;-)) and they never take me off, I am unable to take them off for more than an hour, they literally stick to my skin.
Photo: Blanc Coco Photographer