The lovely month of May allows us to celebrate a date dear to our hearts: Mother's Day!
This year, we wanted to look back on all the little and big things we would have liked to know before becoming a mother. Motherhood is our greatest source of inspiration, as you know, but far be it from us to advocate the glorification of motherhood without measure. We need to free up speech around the postpartum period, put an end to the guilt-inducing injunction to be a perfect mother, and admit that having children is sometimes a difficult, painful, and upsetting time. So here is a little breath of sisterhood to read.
1) Motherhood is not innate
In the same way that loving your children at first sight is not a norm. No more feeling guilty about it.
2) Extreme love and fatigue
Between pregnancy, marathon-like labor, and sleepless nights, your fatigue level is reaching heights higher than Everest. Unless it's your feelings for your baby. Well, you're not sure. You're too tired to process it all.
3) Postpartum preparation is needed
Pregnancy and childbirth are ultimately just the beginning. The challenges begin when your baby arrives. Listen to podcasts, read, and educate yourself to best prepare for this time.
4) The perineum in all its states
Pelvic floor rehabilitation is a classic to plan for. The sessions help restore muscle tone and are recommended 6 to 8 weeks after giving birth. It's not always easy at first, especially after an episiotomy, but the uncomfortable or painful sensations disappear over time... I promise! Also think about abdominal rehabilitation!
5) Diapers for everyone
You too will leave the maternity ward with diapers. To avoid maternity mesh panties, invest in disposable panties to take to the maternity ward and stock up on XXL pads for when you return home.
6) Every situation is temporary
A mantra to repeat to yourself in difficult times as well as in happy times to try to make the most of every moment. Because yes, everything eventually passes!
7) Listen to yourself
As a reminder, the son of Françoise Dolto, the reference pediatrician who whispers in children's ears, is Carlos. We love Big Bisou but it's also good to remember him ;) Same for Pierre, Paul, Jacques and mother-in-law, we listen to them with one ear. Follow your intuition. It's almost always right.
8) The postpartum body and wardrobe
Be kind to yourself and keep in mind this little phrase: "Nine months to make, nine months to unmake". Even if it's not always sexy, think about comfortable clothes that make nursing and breastfeeding easier... Just a little more patience before shopping for the latest trends...
9) Motherhood is unpredictable
No matter how much you anticipate, anticipate, and plan, motherhood (and your child) will have its surprises in store for you. There will be ups and downs. You will make mistakes. Put the guilt aside and do better next time.
10) Being imperfect, the new perfect
Don’t be fooled (by your entourage, social networks, etc.): no one is perfect. We know parents whose baby slept on their stomach. Others who let their baby cry. Some even carried their child facing the world… And you know what? Everyone is doing well. You don’t have to be perfect for your children to love you.
11) Don't forget yourself
Having a child is a permanent contract. Think about yourself too. It is important to recharge your batteries with positive energy to be able to reconnect with your family even better afterwards. Again, leave the guilt aside. Take the time you need to do yourself some good.
12) Little children, little problems, big children...
Each stage of development has its own concerns ;) Raising children is a big responsibility, far from being a long, quiet river. After the trying years of your baby's first babbling, with short nights and the need for constant supervision, we quickly reach school age, then without realizing it, adolescence, with puberty and its changes in personality and behavior... Quite a program!
13) Enjoy every second
And always, always, keep in mind that you are lucky to have your children as much as they are lucky to have you…
Every year our team concocts a special article for you to mark this important day. Find our latest Mother's Day articles: Happy mother's day , La Maternité Libre.