Studio Romeo is 6 years old!
And really, I feel like it was yesterday. Who says Studio Romeo's 6th birthday also says my daughter Louise's 6th birthday. You know the story. Romeo was 18 months old, I launched Studio Romeo on May 1, 2015 and I gave birth to Louise a few days later. Mother of 2 young children, on the 3rd floor without an elevator, this baby carrier has made my life a thousand times easier. I also admit that thanks to babywearing, I have an incredible bond with my daughter, a magical bond that I am sure comes from there. As I like to say, babywearing is just an extension of our arms. And by extension, that of our heart.
So thank you for your orders, your presence, your kind words, your photos and memories, which are now ours.
Lots of magic in 6 years, great collaborations, with Emoi Emoi, Le Petit Lucas du Tertre, Tajinebanane, Tartine & Chocolat… Spoiler: Bonton in a few weeks!
Thanks to the people who work closely or remotely with me - I'm thinking in particular of Camille, Sophie, Julie, Daphné, Chloé, Hélène and her team, Capucine, Carlo & Diana, Renato...
For 6 years, we have been accompanying you for hours of sweetness snuggled up against each other... Over the years, the siblings have grown, our babies have grown, and this birthday was also an opportunity to wink at our children: it is now their turn to carry because there is no age for carrying!
6 years ago, I carried Romeo and then Louise in our first models, and today it is with great pleasure that I see them doing the same with our new doll carriers created for the occasion… I hope your children will play with them as much as mine! A little, a lot, passionately, madly, it is above all a story of sharing…
The Studio Romeo doll carrier is a miniature version of our Sling . Easy to use, it was created for all children who want to carry their doll or cuddly toy themselves ... Little extra, it is 100% organic cotton and Oeko Tex :)
6 years to write our vision of love with a capital A. Let's write the rest together.
Jeanne and the Studio Romeo team