The first months with a baby
When will my baby sleep through the night? What is an infant's rhythm? How to survive the first few months with a baby? During a live on our Instagram account, May 's experts explained an infant's sleep cycle and how it works during the first few months. You welcomed the reassuring and guilt-free advice. We are happy to share it in this article.
From Your Womb to the World: Your Baby's First Weeks
First of all, it is important to understand what birth means for your newborn. He is moving from a warm and cozy world - your belly - where all his needs are met to the outside world. He is experiencing a sudden change . He is discovering cold, hunger and many other sensations.
Moreover, the infant is immature on many levels: digestion, motor skills, language, brain... He has everything to learn.
Finally, your baby is 100% dependent on you. As a good little mammal, he clings to his mother . You are his main point of reference.
How to support baby in this transition?
Being contained with his limbs together reminds him of his in-utero sensations. Consider swaddling him, carrying him in a physiological baby carrier to reassure him.
Your baby loves movement. Rock him, carry him in a sling, go for walks. These walks will be as beneficial for him as they are for you.
Your little one loves warmth and contact . Reassure him by doing skin-to-skin contact or massaging him.
Little by little, you will get to know your child and be able to anticipate his needs by providing a coherent response. He will trust you.
Understanding Infant Sleep
All babies are different, even when it comes to sleep. Some are big sleepers while others take few naps…
Generally, babies are inverted the first few weeks, they live at night and sleep during the day.
Infants have short sleep cycles of about 50 minutes (vs. 90 min for adults). This is an average! Don't panic if your baby sleeps more or less. As for full nights, we are talking about sleeping 5 hours straight. Sorry, 12-hour nights don't come right away.
To help him sleep, learn to spot the signs of sleep . This is the key to getting on the sleep train. Signs to look out for: yawning, rubbing his eyes, lost gaze, sucking his thumb or fingers, touching his face, crying, being very calm or grumpy. As soon as you see one of these signs, suggest that he go to sleep within 15 minutes.
The newborn begins his cycle with an agitated sleep . He moves, grunts, opens his eyes and even smiles during his sleep.
When will my baby sleep through the night?
It depends. For most it takes a few months. A few lucky ones sleep through the night as early as 6-8 weeks. Fingers crossed for you…
Where should baby sleep in the first few months?
WHO recommends that babies sleep in their parents' room until 6 months. In reality, it's up to you . Babies make a lot of noise when they sleep, it bothers some parents, reassures others. Co-sleeping, bed in your room or in theirs... Test and choose what works best for you and your baby.
Can an infant fall asleep independently?
It's very difficult for them! They need to be rocked, caressed, and have you there.
Do we develop bad habits with a baby?
Many of you have been relieved by this feel-good sentence: no, during the first months of a baby's birth, we do not pick up bad habits. Rest assured, mamas, you do what you can and it's perfect.
How to trust yourself and stop doubting yourself with a newborn?
Believe in your abilities, even with your first baby. You carried him for 9 months, you gave birth, he is your baby and you know him better than anyone. Your infant will guide you. He is programmed to teach you! Give yourself time to get to know him.