1. DIY Queen
When it comes to DIY, making a baby is a rare feat. Congratulations to you and your amazing body. Same goes for giving birth, whether vaginal or vaginal, you brought a little human into the world. You had contractions, survived labor… In short. You did it and you can be proud of it.
2. Extraordinary hearing
Few people would be able to hear Junior even when he is on the other side of the house at 3am or recognize his voice in the middle of an amusement park full of other children. And if on the contrary, you do not hear him at night, know that it is also a super power: that of sleeping to recharge your batteries!
3. An incredible comeback
Between the “Mom, what is the moon for? Can I eat the bark of the tree? Why are there rainbows (not to mention the variations on where the rainbow starts and ends)? Are we likely to fly away if there is a lot of wind (the next one being of course why can't we fly)? Why is the sea blue (where does the sand come from)? Do earwigs really pierce ears? Why do we yawn? Why The Laughing Cow (what's the difference with the Kiri)? Do people on TV see us? How will the baby come out of the lady's belly (on the same theme we also had the right to "What's in the testicle?")? Why is it dark at night? Why do you have white hair? Is it a long time tomorrow? Where does my poop go next?"... You have acquired a certain dexterity in the art of repartee, and even negotiation. Think about it in the event of a career change.
4. Super Shiva
You only have two arms and yet you manage to do a billion things. Okay, we'll help you out a bit with our baby carriers, but still. We have to salute your prowess worthy of the Hindu god.
5. Accumulation of professions
Nurses, hairdressers, cooks, stylists, sports coaches… All self-taught and voluntary, of course!
6. Black Belt of Patience
If there is one quality that motherhood has given you, it is patience. We learn to be patient from a very young age (remember when they absolutely want to do something by themselves while we are in a hurry…). We even learn to want to slow down time, because our little ones grow up way too quickly.
To all the moms out there, you are real super heroines, and we wish you all a wonderful day! ♡
The Studio Romeo Team