In May, do what you like! Far be it from us to encourage you to leave everything to open an ashram in India or raise goats in Larzac… We encourage you instead to take advantage of this officially relaxed month to be more in tune with your needs and desires. Follow the guide!
Listen to yourself, neither too much nor too little
When it comes to listening to yourself, we would rather claim less is more. More precisely, forget the preconceptions like "I listen to myself too much" since it seems that we never listen to ourselves enough. All the more so when the requests are incessant and the temptation to compare ourselves to others is irresistible. In May, make room for your little inner voice (which often turns out to be our best ally), and rather than just hearing it, try to listen to it. Really. Not everything will be good to keep, but by making this effort, you give yourself the chance to connect more with your deep needs. To better do what you like...
Listen to your body
A healthy mind in a healthy body, would that please you? So in May, pay attention to the small (or large) signals that your body sends you. Conscious listening that may prevent you from having to breastfeed more than fulfilling, an injury related to fatigue or even a broken alarm clock. Are you tired? In bed, at the same time as the children (or the chickens if you prefer). Do you dream of relaxing for 2 hours? Ask your other half to take everyone for a walk while you rest. Do you need comfort food, right now? Eat this praline chocolate, without feeling guilty!
Listening to each other
Today, the hubbub surrounding our daily lives is such that we end up losing sight of the essentials. Staying attentive to your loved ones means giving them the opportunity to express themselves, spend time with them, and show that you are available. So settle down on the couch with a nice cup of tea and say to one of those you love: "Tell me, I'm listening!". No doubt that this special moment will please them... and you too!
In short, in May, do what you want, for real ♡
Photo Chloe Lapeyssonnie
Text P. Louis