The Art of Motherhood . Because images often say more than words. Because motherhood is our main source of inspiration. We imagined this series of videos to celebrate motherhood, but also life, creativity, freedom. With gentleness and authenticity.
Their names are Johanna, Marion or Emma, and they opened the door to their artist's studio and their mother's heart. With simplicity, Studio Romeo slipped into their world, where motherhood and creativity are subtly aligned. Thanks to babywearing, these mothers free their talent and all their art. The art of painting, modeling, creating, but also and above all, the art of mothering.
The Art of Motherhood #1: Meet Johanna in Portugal, illustrator and architect. She is wearing the brand new LINEN model, available today on the shop!
Photo Chloe Lapeyssonnie / Video Arthur Degorce / Text Pauline Louis