Taking time, slowing down, focusing on yourself, here are some ways to bring a little slow life into our lives. Because living slowly does not mean being bored. Because our children deserve our full attention. That's good, because autumn is a season that invites us to slow down and get back to basics. Follow the guide!
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… of the virtual world that constantly demands our attention, of the demands we create for ourselves, of an overloaded schedule that doesn’t make us happy. Slow life means turning off screens at home in the evening for special moments with family. It means deleting notifications from your phone that call us to false realities. It means taking breaks, far from the surrounding hustle and bustle, to slow down and focus on yourself.
But above all, connect…
… to yourself, to others, to the earth. Slow life is about getting back to basics, without rushing, taking your time. It’s about reconnecting with nature, with its slow and soothing rhythm. It’s about taking care of yourself, without pressure, far from a life at 1000 miles an hour. It’s about planning nothing else on a Sunday afternoon than spending time with your children. It’s about savoring the simplicity of a cuddle with your baby, held close to you.
So take the time to sit down, think about your concept of slow life, and enjoy ♡
Photo credit Blanc Coco
Text Pauline Louis
Camille is wearing our Stripes baby carrier