November! For some, it would rather be novembrrr, the month of the first frosts of the dreaded winter. Like we start to hibernate under our blanket, with our cup of tea and our roasted chestnuts: see you in March. For others, it is rather the generous friend, the one who offers us the possibility of recharging our batteries before the whirlwind of December, in all simplicity.
Activate your generosity mode
Who has never opened their diary in November, and looked with undisguised pleasure for the 1st and the 11th to write in big letters "holiday"?! Let's be honest, this month when it's often gray and rainy, still offers us two days off , and that's not given to everyone (except in May, you know yourself). What if we let this November generosity infuse our lives? The smell of dead leaves on the path, squash in all its forms, and even the colorful pompoms of chrysanthemums, deep down, we love November.
Enjoy the break
After a great start to the school year and an October with fifty shades of red, it's high time to take a breather. In November, we savor the delicious dotted lines (thank you All Saints' Day, thank you Armistice) and we try out the new fall-winter products . With a bit of luck, the Indian summer is in full swing and serves us a 2-in-1 pleasure on a platter! Minutes to slow down, vitamin D to shine, and the smiles of our children to fully enjoy the joys of the stretching fall...
Thank you November!
Text Pauline Louis
Photo Chloe Lapeyssonnie